Thursday 21 April 2011

Introduction to Unit 4

Unit 4 exam is split into three sections as shown below:

Section 1 - Crime and Deviance - 12 mark question and 21 mark question. (23 Marks) [45 Minutes for this section]
Section 2 - Research Methods in the context of Crime and Deviance - 9 mark question and 15 mark question. (24 Marks) [30 Minutes for this section]
Section 3 - Theory and Methods - 33 Mark Essay [45 Minutes for this section]

The Unit consists of:

  • Different theories of crime, deviance, social order and social control
  • The social distribution of crime and deviance by age, ethnicity, gender, locality and social class, including recent patterns and trends in crime. 
  • Globalisation and crime in contemporary society; the mass media and crime; green crime; human rights and state crimes. 
  • Crime control, prevention and punishment, victims, and the role of the criminal justice system and other agencies.
  • The sociological study of suicide and its theoretical and methodological implications. 
  • The connections between sociological theory and methods and the study of crime and deviance.

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